Carolyn's Daily Posts: 2011

January 1, 2011

Three Countries I’d Like to Visit: Sweden, Germany, & France




     The first “prompt” in the 2011 DailyPost challenge by, this blog’s host site, was to list three countries I’d like to visit (and why). I decided to accept the prompt because it ties in with my research into genealogy and my further research into the background of my historical romance novel, Intertwined Love.

     I would like to visit Sweden  because my grandmother, Ida Victoria Berg, emigrated from there when she was 14 years old. 

     (After posting this piece, I received the following e-mail:

     I read your worldpressblog about Ida. I like it and I try to send a photo I found , to your blog,but I couldn´t.

     I find a photo from Göteborg 1905, perhaps same ship Ida Victoria Berg entered?? I  like the photo and shared  it to you.

     From Ann Åberg)

          I  will gladly add it to the post for Ann:

     Due to my parent’s divorce, my sister and I were “divorced” from my paternal relatives. I remet my aunt, Nyllis Cornell Gardner, when I was in my 30s, and through her began corresponding to Swedish relatives. One, Anne Aberg, took pictures of the le Procope Cafe in Paris, which is the site of a scene I’m using in my historic romance novel. During our correspondence, I receive letters written in Swedish, for which I have had a series of interesting persons translate. Currently, a friend, Roy Perrson, is my translator. 

     I only met my grandmother when I was so little I cannot recall knowing her. Due to my parent’s divorce, my sister and I became “divorced” from my paternal relatives. I remet my aunt, Nyllis Cornell Gardner , when I was in my 30s, and through her began (more…)