Carolyn's Daily Posts: 2011

January 13, 2011

Post Statistics on My Blog


(Jan. 13, 2011, 9:44 a.m.: 16 degrees, overcast, snowflake-clear air)


      Call me WordPress challenged, blog challenged, computer challenged, technology challenged—whatever moniker you want to tag me with. It will explain how, after several years of managing up to five WordPress blogs, I just this week discovered some statistics on the sites that I didn’t realize were there.

     I’d been trying to analyze the popularity of posts on my blog, knowing it would be a monumental task. What I discovered is that the WordPress host site is doing the work for me in their statistics displays—which are provided for all-time, year, thirty days, seven days, and daily times..

     A review of the statistics reinforced my sense about the “popularity” of particular posts and reaffirmed my feelings about topics readers find most interesting, readable, and/or helpful. For all my feeling “challenged,” I know I must consider that recent posts will, due to the unequal time element, have less “hits.”   

     I also must admit that I am not following the advice of persons who are more expert at blogging than I am. That is, my blog does not have a “niche” topic. Because it is a writing blog topics have a wide range—BIBLICAL, blogging, Cats, COCHRAN’S SHENANIGANS, DEVOTIONS, GENEALOGY, HUMOR, JOURNAL, MEMOIRS, NEW ENGLAND, NOVEL SEGMENTS, OP-ED, PHOTOGRAPHY, Poetry, ROMANCE STORIES, TRAVEL, WRITING TOPICS, etc.

     My scrutiny of the statistics revealed what posts, and which categories, received the most attention.

     The top post is CHILD ABUSE AND SCRIPTURE. It has held one of the top three spots in the year, quarter, month, and week stats.

     Since the second contender,  (to continue reading this post click on: Statistical Analysis of My Blog )